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Recognizing the Signs of Social Media Addiction

Social media addiction affects people worldwide. It is especially common among young people, but no age group is immune to its effects. Excessive social media use can contribute to depression and other mental health conditions. Knowing the signs can help you take action to protect your health or that of your loved ones.  

Early intervention often provides the strongest indicator of successful recovery. An experienced social media addiction attorney from CaseyGerry can help. 

What is Social Media Addiction?  

Social media addiction is the obsessive use of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. It involves constantly checking these platforms and spending long hours scrolling through feeds. Addicts feel anxious when unable to access them. 

Initially, social scientists focused on users and implored people to curb excessive social media use. However, medical professionals and politicians alike now increasingly point the blame at social media platforms. 

The companies behind them have fine-tuned algorithms that keep people coming back for more and make it hard to leave. This, in turn, feeds the reward centers in the brain. One Harvard study from 2018 found that social media and smartphones activate the same dopamine section of the brain as hard drugs. 

Signs of Social Media Addiction 

Social media addiction might not look the same for everyone. People who make a living from social media might also plausibly pass their addiction off as work. Nevertheless, there are some clear signs to look out for: 

  1. Spending more time on social media than intended: People with social media addiction often lose track of time while scrolling through feeds. They might also set timers or reminders to limit their use but struggle to stick to them.
  2. Feeling irritable when unable to access social media: If someone becomes agitated or anxious when they can’t check their social media accounts, this is a red flag.
  3. Neglecting other responsibilities and interests: Social media addiction can start to interfere with everyday life. Someone who once enjoyed going out with friends or playing sports might now opt to stay in and scroll through their social media feeds.
  4. Using social media to cope: People with social media addiction often turn to these platforms when feeling stressed or overwhelmed instead of using healthier coping mechanisms. 

Effects of Social Media Addiction 

A 2018 study published by the American Psychology Association estimated that adolescents averaged six hours each day on social media. That level of investment in a digital world significantly impacts the development of social skills and a healthy connection with the real world. 

Here are some additional effects of social media addiction that affect people of all ages: 

  • Job Loss: Neglecting work responsibilities to spend time on social media can lead to unemployment. People who post too much on social media also have a higher chance of sharing things that negatively impact their employers’ reputations. These incidents can cause some companies to sever ties.
  • Increased Risk of Mental Health Conditions: Social media addiction can contribute to or worsen conditions like depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. In fact, a 2018 Harvard study found a link between social media and the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms.
  • Impaired Sleep: The blue light emitted from screens disrupts melatonin production, leading to difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. Poor sleeping habits can have additional significant negative impacts on physical and mental health.

Get the Help You Need for Social Media Addiction 

If you or a loved one is struggling with social media addiction in San Diego, you should first seek help from a healthcare worker. Examples include the guidance counselor at school or your general physician. After raising concerns with these and other professionals, you or your loved one may receive helpful resources to beat the addiction. These individuals can also provide professional opinions and diagnoses that strengthen your case if you decide to pursue legal action.  

The next step is seeking legal assistance from attorneys who have experience in this emerging practice area. Note that social media has taken on an increasingly broad term for addiction and may extend to online role-playing games with large communities. TikTok and Facebook are no longer the only culprits. Our attorneys at CaseyGerry can help you determine whether you have a strong social media addiction case. 

How Our Attorneys Can Help with Social Media Addiction 

We represent our clients in litigation against social media companies. Our goal is to help hold these large corporations accountable for the social, psychological, and physical damage caused by the addictiveness of their platforms.  

Politicians across America have echoed bipartisan concerns about the impacts of social media. Several states, from California to Utah to New York, have passed or are working on laws to make it easier to hold social media companies accountable. Our team is watching these laws closely and adjusting our strategy as details change. 

Do you need representation for your case? Schedule a consultation with our social media addiction lawyer today. 

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