Below are a few past cases in which our clients sustained a traumatic brain injury.
Car Collison in IntersectionA telecommunications company employee drove through a stop sign and smashed into our client’s vehicle in the middle of the intersection. The airbag deployed, and the victim was violently thrown across the vehicle as it plummeted off the intersection and down an embankment. He sustained a head injury and spinal cord injury that rendered him a quadriplegic.
ATV RolloverDuring a camping trip, a man negligently drove an ATV with a passenger while under the influence of alcohol. He lost control of the vehicle, which flipped multiple times over dunes at the camp site. He sustained a head injury, and his passenger suffered neck and head injuries and had to be airlifted to a hospital.
Dangerous Construction ZoneA construction employee stepped off a backhoe and was hit by a car while working in Santee. The impact caused the man, CaseyGerry’s client, to strike the ground and lose consciousness. The City of Santee had failed to provide and execute a safe traffic control plan for the construction work. The man’s head injury resulted in a concussion with post-concussion syndrome. He experienced headaches and constant vertigo.
Car Crash After Running a Red LightA man was speeding in Vista, CA when he blew through a red light without pausing or slowing. He struck a car with his truck, totaling it. The woman in the other car, whom CaseyGerry represented, sustained a closed traumatic brain injury, post-concussive syndrome, cerebral ischemia, a neck injury, and many other injuries.
Collison After Negligent Lane ChangeA driver negligently changed lanes and struck another car. The victim’s head was thrown to the left, causing immediate right-sided neck pain and headache. She later experienced vertigo and felt muddled in her thinking. She was diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome and a musculoskeletal injury. After two years, the effects of her brain injury were still chronic.
Track Car AccidentA 21-year-old man was driving a track car, lost control and crashed into a large SUV. His passenger, CaseyGerry’s client, sustained a broken neck, spinal cord injury, and traumatic brain injury. He underwent several surgeries to stabilize his condition, but the incident left him paralyzed from the neck down.
NFL Concussion CaseA National Football League player, whom CaseyGerry represented, experienced repeated and chronic head impacts during his career. As a result, he suffers from neurological conditions and symptoms related to multiple head traumas. Despite many studies associating continued head impacts with long-term health problems, the NFL failed to take appropriate measures to protect its players.
Power Line ExplosionThe driver of a dump truck accidentally struck power lines with the bed of his truck. The power line fell across both lanes of the freeway and across both ramps. There was an explosion, which caused multiple vehicle crashes. CaseyGerry’s client was moving at highway speed when the electrical lines appeared. He threw himself onto the floor of his minivan but fell victim to an electrical shock and acoustic blast sound wave. He continues to suffer from headaches, severe pain and numbness down his back and legs, pins and needles and a burning sensation, vision problems, dizziness, and more.
Postal Truck Hit a PedestrianA postal worker driving his truck veered around a pickup truck making a right turn. He collided with our client who was a pedestrian crossing the road. The pedestrian’s head smashed into the windshield before he was thrown 26 feet into a parked car and onto the street. Our client sustained a head injury with loss of consciousness and brain bleed, a collapsed lung, a severely broken leg, compression vertebrae fractures, and other severe injuries. The accident also led to vertigo, memory loss and post-traumatic amnesia.
Negligent Truck Driver Throws Passengers in FlatbedA man was erratically driving a truck with several passengers in the flatbed. One passenger, CaseyGerry’s client, was thrown out of the bed and struck the asphalt. He sustained skull fractures, an eye injury, brain bleeding, and other injuries. He continues to suffer from headaches, total blindness in one eye, decreased hearing, altered speech and balance, and other problems.
Off-Road Vehicle CrashCaseyGerry’s client suffered catastrophic head injuries when he fell out of an off-road vehicle while working as a logistics person for a racing program company.
Hazardous Public PropertyA 16-year-old girl sustained a traumatic brain injury, broken bones, contusions, and other injuries in a vehicle collision. The crash happened as a result of a dangerous condition of public property.
Speeding in Sports CarA man driving with his friend in a sports car was traveling in excess of 75 mph in a 45-mph zone. When taking a turn, he lost control of his vehicle, went over the center divider, and struck a vehicle coming in the opposite direction. The driver was killed, and the passenger, CaseyGerry’s client, suffered a severe head injury.
Coast Guard Boat CrashA member of the U.S. Coast Guard recklessly plowed a 900-horsepower fast patrol vessel into a holiday boating parade. The Coast Guard vessel struck a recreational boat, destroying it and injuring passengers on board. A three-year-old boy, whom CaseyGerry represented, suffered blunt head trauma and disfiguring scars.
Hazardous Store ShelfThe owners of a convenience store failed to secure a heavy and dangerous shelf. While in the store with her parent, a child reached for an item on the shelf when the structure fell on her. She suffered craniofacial injuries and a traumatic brain injury.
Crash with a Police OfficerCaseyGerry’s client suffered severe brain damage in a vehicle collision caused by the negligence of a San Diego police officer. She requires 24-hour care. She cannot take care of any of her own personal needs or communicate at a basic level without the assistance of electronic equipment.
Collision After Illegal U-TurnA negligent driver made an unlawful U-turn and collided with another vehicle. The victim, CaseyGerry’s client, suffered a depressed skull fracture and experienced seizures at the scene. He continues to suffer from neurological problems due to the traumatic brain injury.
Surgical ErrorDuring a liver transplant, a 19-year-old man suffered a massive cardiac arrest, rendering him in a vegetative state. A nurse had prematurely removed clamps from the venous bypass system before his circulatory system was closed. The cardiac arrest occurred when air was pumped into his heart.
Rear-End CrashA man in a small car was rear-ended by a pickup truck as a traffic light turned from red to green. He sustained a traumatic brain injury that impacted him on a physical, emotional and cognitive level.
Truck Strikes Minivan on ShoulderThe driver of a truck filled with industrial-sized containers was driving up an incline on Interstate 5 through the “grapevine” area. He crossed onto the shoulder and slammed into a disabled minivan filled with passengers. Our client was one of the passengers. Our client sustained a head laceration, shock, and pain in his back, leg and arm. The truck driver had previously been warned about his poor work and safety procedures and had had five previous accidents.
Bicycle CrashA vehicle driver made an abrupt turn into a bike lane and struck a bicyclist, ejecting him onto the pavement. The bike rider, CaseyGerry’s client, suffered a traumatic brain injury including memory loss, dizziness, mood change, vision deficits, Tinnitus, and nerve damage.
Loose Tire Causes CrashCaseyGerry’s client was driving in El Cajon when a large tire rolled into her lane and struck the front of her vehicle. She lost control, and her vehicle rolled. The woman sustained a major head injury in the crash that required plastic surgery. She also suffered from severe migraines with nausea, slow speech and difficulty concentrating.
Distracted DriverA woman was looking down while driving. When she looked up, she could not stop in time and rear-ended another driver, CaseyGerry’s client. The victim suffered two cracked teeth, a concussion, a cervical sprain, and painful, chronic headaches.
Parking Garage AccidentA man caused his vehicle to crash into an iron gate and two concrete pillars in a parking garage. As a result, his in-home caregiver, who was a passenger at the time, sustained a concussion and multiple sprain and injuries throughout his body. He was unable to put his seatbelt on in time before the impact, which allowed him to be thrown around the inside of the car during each impact.
Vehicle/Pedestrian CrashA driver ran over a pedestrian who was lawfully crossing the street in a crosswalk. The victim suffered blunt force trauma to the head and complete loss of consciousness for several hours. She sustained a traumatic brain injury that caused double vision as well as problems with speech, memory, concentration and problem-solving.
Defective HelmetA high school football player sustained a catastrophic head injury as a result of a defective helmet made by Riddell Inc. He collapsed into a coma and never emerged from a permanent near-vegetative state.
Improperly Installed Office CabinetAn office equipment company improperly installed a wall-mounted cabinet above CaseyGerry’s client’s desk. It fell and hit her on the head, causing a complex traumatic brain injury with ongoing symptoms.
AssaultA security company failed to stop an assault at a San Diego Chargers game. A man was hit from behind, causing him to suffer temporary neurological blindness, recurring seizures, and chronic debilitating headaches that lasted nearly two years.
Bicycle Accident on HighwayA bicyclist waiting in left-turn lane was struck by the driver of a vehicle moving at about 45 mph. He flew through the air and hit the pavement, suffering a closed head injury with loss of consciousness. In addition, the bicyclist sustained emotional trauma with PTSD and post-concussive syndrome.
Bicycle Rear-End CrashA vehicle driver struck a bicyclist from behind, causing him to fly off the bike, hit her windshield, and land on the pavement. His helmet shattered, and he suffered a traumatic brain injury. He now suffers from weakness and chronic pain in his shoulders and arms.
Struck by Boat While SwimmingThe driver of a chase boat made a sweeping turn and drove into an area where two rented houseboats had made a safety zone for swimming. The boat struck CaseyGerry’s client while he swam to one of the houseboats. He suffered a traumatic brain injury.
Moving IncidentCaseyGerry’s client was helping a friend move. The friend did not set the truck’s brake properly, which permitted the truck to roll forward and trap the client’s head between the front of the truck and a wall. While the client was able to extricate himself, he suffered a TBI from the incident that rendered him nearly unemployable.
Each of our clients’ injuries vary, but one fact is consistent: someone else’s careless action led to a preventable brain injury. If you or a family member sustained a TBI as a result of another person’s negligence, call CaseyGerry to learn how our attorneys can help you. California’s statute of limitations dictates the amount of time you have to protect your rights, so acting immediately is critical.