The steps you take after a slip-and-fall accident in a restaurant can significantly impact your ability to recover compensation. Although you may be in pain and feeling overwhelmed, try to keep the following tips in mind. 

San Diego slip and fall lawyer

Call 911 

Immediately after a slip-and-fall accident, your health and safety are the priority. Be careful not to move too much if you are in pain and call for help if necessary. If you believe you require immediate transportation to the hospital, call 911. Emergency responders will arrive on the scene to help you.

Collect Evidence

If you can remain at the restaurant, take as many photos or videos as you can. This type of documentation can provide evidence of fault and the severity of your injuries. Try to capture the following:

  • The location where the slip-and-fall occurred.
  • The hazard that caused your fall.
  • Your injuries. 
  • Any nearby signs that warn of a hazard. 
  • A far away shot of the scene

Any visual evidence you obtain can help validate your insurance claim. 

Speak to Witnesses

If anyone nearby witnessed your fall, ask if they are willing to make a brief recorded statement, which you can do with your phone. Ask them for their name and contact information because the restaurant’s insurance company or your attorney may need to speak to them in the future. If they will not make a recorded statement, check if they can write down what they saw and what they believe caused your accident. 

Report the Fall

If an employee did not witness your slip-and-fall, notify one immediately and ask to speak to a manager. Give the manager a general idea of what happened, and then ask that an accident report be made. Be sure to get a copy as this step is critical, and you will want to provide a more detailed account at this point. However, stick to the facts and do not discuss or admit fault. In addition, refrain from signing any forms. The manager or restaurant owner may ask you to sign a release of liability form, but this will prevent you from pursuing a case against them. 

Seek Medical Care

Be seen by a doctor as soon as possible, even if your injuries seem minor. Some severe injuries can have delayed symptoms, plus you need medical documentation to link any injuries and potential injuries to your slip-and-fall at the restaurant. Without medical records, the restaurant’s insurance company can argue that your injuries are not severe or unrelated to the slip-and-fall.  

Speak To an Attorney

Consult a San Diego Slip & Fall Accident Lawyer as soon as possible. To recover the compensation you deserve and need for your recovery can be challenging on your own. Your attorney will investigate your slip-and-fall, collect evidence, and determine who can be held responsible. They will also deal with speaking to the restaurant manager or owner and their insurance company on your behalf. With their experience, they can ensure you are treated fairly and will negotiate a fair settlement.