SAN DIEGO, Calif…Feb. 25,2010…Frederick Schenk — a partner at Casey Gerry Schenk Francavilla Blatt &Penfield — has been elected to the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA),a prestigious organization comprised of the country’s leading judges and plaintiffand defense trial counsel.
According to the firm’s senior partner David S. Casey Jr., Schenk is continuinga longstanding Casey Gerry tradition of involvement with ABOTA. “Weare honored that Fred has achieved membership status in ABOTA, which constitutesa veritable “who’s who” of attorneys, and is one of the country’s toptrial lawyer associations,” he said. With a focus on preserving the right oftrial by jury, ABOTA’s “exacting membership requirements include thehighest level of skill, civility and integrity.”
A seasoned trial lawyer, Schenk concentrates his practice on productsliability, personal injury and asbestos law. He co-authored the LexisNexisCalifornia Automobile Litigation Handbook, and since 2005 has been listedin Woodward and White’s Best Lawyers In America.Additionally, he hasbeen recognized by San Diego Magazine as the top local plaintiffs’personal injury attorney specializing in asbestos litigation, is listed inSuper Lawyers magazine, and was awarded the “Outstanding Trial LawyerAward” by the Consumer Attorneys of San Diego.
Active in numerous community and professional organizations, he was recentlyelected to serve on the Board of Governors of the American Association forJustice (AAJ), the world’s largest trial bar. In addition, he has served aspresident of the Consumers Attorneys of San Diego and was recognized as“Chapter President of the Year” by the Consumer Attorneys ofCalifornia. Schenk is also past-president of the Civil JusticeFoundation, a Washington D.C.-based non-profit organization dedicated topreventing consumer injury and defending consumer access to justice;past-president of The Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center and a foundingco-chair of the Cardozo Society of the United Jewish Federation of SanDiego. In addition, he was vice president of the 22nd DistrictAgricultural Association (Del Mar Fairboard).
A resident of San Diego’s Carmel Valley neighborhood, Schenk has been anattorney with Casey Gerry since 1983. He earned his J.D. from the University ofSan Diego and his Bachelor’s Degree from UCLA.
About Casey Gerry
Celebrating more than 60 years in San Diego, Casey Gerry was established in1947, and is the oldest plaintiffs’ law firm in San Diego. The firm’s 12attorneys practice in numerous areas, including asbestos, personal injury,product liability and pharmaceutical litigation. Headquartered at 110 LaurelSt. in the Banker’s Hill neighborhood of San Diego, the firm also has a satelliteoffice in Carlsbad, Calif. For more information, call (619) 238-1811 orvisit the website at
Founded in 1958, ABOTA membership consists of more than 6,000 highlyexperienced lawyers and judges spread among 94 Chapters in all 50 States andthe District of Columbia. The organization is dedicated to the preservation andpromotion of the civil jury trial right provided by the Seventh Amendment tothe United States Constitution. For more information, visit