As a passenger in an Uber accident, you can pursue legal action against the at-fault party and fight to secure the compensation you deserve. In addition to calling the police, you should also notify Uber that you were involved in an accident while riding with one of their drivers. Next, seeking medical care for your injuries is essential, which also creates important documentation of your damages.
Uber and other ridesharing accidents are complex because multiple insurance companies are usually involved. You can rely on our team at CaseyGerry. As the most experienced plaintiff’s law firm in San Diego, we have earned a national reputation for our skill in civil litigation and complex personal injury cases. Schedule a free case evaluation with a rideshare accident attorney to learn more about the steps to take after a San Diego Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare accident.
As soon as you are able, notify the police. They will interview relevant parties and file a report. Sometimes, it might indicate who was at fault in the crash. It is essential to make sure they include you in the report and note that you were a passenger. This could improve your chances of a successful case for compensation.
In addition to calling the police, you should also notify Uber that you were involved in an accident while riding with one of their drivers. If Uber is not notified of the crash, there is no guarantee that their insurance policy will apply. This could be especially problematic if the driver fails to report the accident or claims you were not in the vehicle. Uber is required to provide substantial insurance coverage when passengers are in the rideshare vehicle, so the chances are good that you will want to file a claim on that policy.
Seek medical care after an Uber accident. Even if you think your injuries are minor, speaking with a doctor is in your best interest. Serious injuries can have delayed onset symptoms such as a concussion and whiplash. Our San Diego trial lawyers could assist you in finding the right medical care provider. In addition, this may improve your chances of a full recovery and strengthen your case for maximum compensation. Medical records serve as a paper trail that confirms the extent of your damages.
After a collision in an Uber, speak to a lawyer about the steps to take after a San Diego Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare accident. At CaseyGerry, our team is driven to recover maximum compensation on your behalf. We know how difficult it can be when you are in a ridesharing accident. Contact us today to request your free case evaluation. Since we work on a contingency basis, there are no upfront legal fees.