The Zimmer NexGen CR-Flex is a knee replacement system that is designed to offer a greater range of motion than the standard model. In addition to superior flexibility, Zimmer designed a version of the CR-Flex that does not require cement adhesive; rather it is intended to fuse naturally to the adjoining bones. However, one of Zimmer’s top consulting physicians, Dr. Richard Berger began noticing problems with the device shortly after he began using it in 2005.
Prompted by indications from Zimmer that his technique was at fault, Dr. Berger conducted an independent study which showed that the device had an early failure rate of 9%, as well as an overall device loosening rate of nearly 50%.
Prior to his negative reporting, Dr. Berger worked closely with Zimmer for more than a decade. He was trusted by Zimmer to develop surgical tools and instruct the proper surgical techniques for use with their products. It is estimated that Dr. Berger trained hundreds of surgeons for Zimmer nationwide.
If you have had a Zimmer NexGen knee replacement system and you are experiencing pain, swelling, difficulty walking, unusual sounds with articulation or any combination of these symptoms, you are advised to seek medical help immediately.
The Zimmer NexGen Knee Replacement System Lawyers at CaseyGerry represented individuals who were impacted by the Zimmer NexGen. The firm is no longer accepting cases for this matter.