Yaz and Yasmin are the two most popular birth control pills in the United States today, mostly because of a long series of commercials that played up the alleged benefits of the drugs and downplaying the severe and potentially life-threatening side effects. Millions of women elected to use Yaz and Yasmin to combat acne, reduce the symptoms of PMS, and help prevent pregnancy without knowing that these drugs also significantly increased the risks of:
In fact, a woman in Illinois filed a lawsuit on August 18, 2009, claiming that Yaz caused her to develop a blood clot in her lung that erupted into a life-threatening pulmonary embolism, as well as an infection in the area.
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. Between 2004 and 2008, Yasmin and Yaz have been liked to more than 50 deaths in a broad cross section of women, including one especially tragic case of a fatality of a 17 year old girl.
The alleged danger of Yaz and Yasmin stems from its new combination of several hormones that can have a myriad of different effects on the physiology of the women that take them. Because the combination is so new, there are few long range studies that can truly measure what damage it can cause, and millions of women could pay the price of this lack of vision.
In 2008, The Food and Drug Administration insisted that Bayer AG, the manufacturer of Yaz and Yasmin, run a series of commercials saying they overstated and misled women on the benefits of Yaz and Yasmin, and to clarify the exact conditions the drugs were designed to treat.
Furthermore, on August 5, 2009, the FDA sent a letter to pharmaceutical manufacturer Bayer AG to notify them that their plant in Germany failed to use proper testing methods when determining results for the consistency of their products.
Millions of women have taken Yaz and Yasmin since its inception, and there have been hundreds of lawsuits against Bayer due to the drug’s side effects and misleading marketing.
CaseyGerry Yaz and Yasmin Lawyers are currently not accepting cases for this matter.