CaseyGerry DePuy Hip Replacement Lawyers have a strong history in drug litigation including in the case below. We are not currently accepting new clients for this case.
Some individuals who had a DePuy ASRTM XL Acetabular or Pinnacle hip replacement since 2005 experienced serious pain, diminished ability to walk, or other symptoms.
Symptoms included hip/groin pain, local swelling, numbness, or changes in your ability to walk. It is important that to contact your physician to help determine why you are experiencing any of these.
The Pinnacle Hip Replacement System, the ASR XL Acetabular System total hip replacement, and the ASR Hip Resurfacing System were designed to eliminate device failure because of overuse. One of the features of these systems – metal-on-metal construction – was supposed to help mitigate failure rates. Instead, research shows that the construction can generate serious problems.
Designed to last longer than other implants, studies show they wear out sooner – especially in women and patients with larger implants.
Metal-on metal devices can potentially trigger metallosis – an adverse reaction to metals in the body which can result in pain, limited mobility, failure of the hip joint, tumor-like growths, dissolution of the bone, and chromosomal aberrations in some patients. Patients with metal-on-metal implants have been found to have high levels of metal ions in their bloodstream, evidence of the microscopic wear particles escaping into the body. There have been a few case reports of patients with metal-on-metal hip implants developing a reaction to these ions and experiencing medical problems that might have been related to their implants, including effects on the nervous system, heart and thyroid gland.
CaseyGerry attorneys are not currently accepting new clients for this case.
The medical device attorneys at CaseyGerry, a San Diego based personal injury law firm, have led the way on hip implant litigation with cases filed against Depuy metal-on-metal implants and similar systems. In addition, partners Gayle M. Blatt has represented clients in a number of high-profile nationwide pharmaceutical and medical device cases, including the Sulzer hip, the Taxus stent, and Guidant pacemakers/defibrillators.
As the population ages, increasing numbers of people are getting hip implants, which can cause complications. Metal-on-metal hip implants – where both the ball and socket components are made of metal – are under increasing scrutiny.
Serious problems associated with the all-metal implants – including high early failure rates and the shedding of tiny metal particles into the body – have led to calls for stricter laws. FDA Toughens Stance on All-Metal Hip Implants
In fact, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has proposed tighter regulations – that would require makers of metal-on-metal hip replacement implants to either prove their products are safe or stop selling them. Doctors Weigh Risks of Metal Hips as FDA Tightens Reviews
Earlier this year, DePuy, the orthopedic unit of Johnson & Johnson, announced it was phasing out the production of all-metal replacement hips. The company is facing a deluge of lawsuits from patients who say they were injured when all-metal implants sold by the company failed. J.&J. Unit Phasing Out All-Metal Hip Devices