Los Angeles Daily Journal

Los Angeles Daily Journal profile focuses on CaseyGerry’s attention to detail and concentration on heavy investigation – a practice that has been bred in the firm since it’s founding in 1947. Since the beginning, the article says, the firm has “raked in big cases, followed by big wins.”

“Every time there’s been a major battle to take away consumer rights, we’ve played the lead role in San Diego,” said David S. Casey Jr. “That is just the one thing that distinguishes our firm.”

As an example, when former California Governor Gray Davis selected firms to pursue a private attorney general action against Big Tobacco, CaseyGerry was one of them. The tobacco industry settled the national case for $206 million, with California receiving $25.2 billion.

In recent news, CaseyGerry is one of nine firms nationwide to serve on the Plaintiff’s Steering Committee which is overseeing the national MDL litigation against the National Football League.