At this time, CaseyGerry attorneys are not accepting new clients seeking legal representation for hair straightener cases.

Hair straightener cancer lawsuits are being filed against manufacturers including L’Oreal, Strength of Nature, Soft Sheen, Dabure, Namaste and others for failure to disclose potential dangers of use. 

The law firm of CaseyGerry is investigating hair relaxer manufacturers and the link between relaxers and uterine cancers in users.  Hair relaxers are chemical creams used to straighten hair. Relaxers are predominantly used by black and Hispanic women. Those who have used hair relaxers more frequently are at a higher risk of developing Uterine cancers as a result

According to a study published in October 2022 by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), women who use relaxers and chemical hair straighteners are more likely to develop uterine cancer

The Sister Study, which spanned eleven years, found that out of 33,000 women who participated in the study, those who reported using hair relaxers were two times more likely to develop uterine cancer. The risk increased by the frequency of use. 

Uterine cancer is not a common type of cancer. Therefore, seeing a two-fold increase of incidents in women who used hair relaxer products, and an even high incidence rate in those who used it frequently, is cause for concern. 

An article on CNBC reported that the Sister Study did not list specific brands. However, several chemicals present such as Parabens, Bisphenol A, metals and formaldehyde in the products were likely to contribute to the increased risk of uterine cancer.

NBC spoke with three of four women who brought lawsuits against L’Oréal and other manufacturers. All three women had undergone hysterectomies. One of those women was 28-years old.   

Major manufacturers of hair relaxer and straightener products have been aware of the growing body of research linking chemical hair products and cancers yet failed to provide any warning labels on their product packaging signifying the dangers of using the product.

The article states that there is a low rate of uterine cancer, however, there is a rise in uterine cancer cases, especially among women of color

According to this CNN article, 32-year-old Missouri resident Jenny Mitchell, has filed a lawsuit against several hair product companies. Mitchell had been using hair relaxing products since she was in third grade. She was diagnosed with uterine cancer in 2018 and underwent a hysterectomy. Mitchell is just one of many women of color who have used hair relaxing products since she was a child. 

A November 2022 article by Forbes titled, Black Women Going Natural Push Entire Industry To The Brink Of Extinction, reports that black women account for about 60% of the US market for hair relaxing products, many who started when they were children.  

Although researchers are reluctant to make a conclusive statement on the link between hair relaxers and uterine cancer, the rate of incidence associated with use of these products is hard to deny. Plaintiffs who have been affected are enraged and betrayed because, despite awareness of multiple research showing a link between the carcinogenic elements in these products, manufacturers failed to give any warning of the potential, life-threatening harm their products may cause.

Several lawsuits have been brought against major manufacturers such as L’Oréal, Strength of Nature, Soft Sheen, Dabure, Namaste and others.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Uterine cancer and has been a frequent user of hair relaxing or straightening products, we encourage you to contact our office at (619) 238-1811 for a confidential consultation. CaseyGerry has a strong track record representing individuals who have suffered at the hands of companies who failed to warn consumers of the dangers of their products.