Judge Grants Preliminary Approval of $393.5 Million Settlement
For Plaintiffs in Wells Fargo Collateral Protection Insurance Class Action Suit

SAN DIEGO – August 8, 2019 – CaseyGerry – a San Diego-based plaintiffs’ law firm – has announced the preliminary approval of a $393.5 million settlement in a class action suit against Wells Fargo and National General Insurance. The suit accused Wells Fargo and National General of wrongfully requiring certain Wells Fargo car loan applicants to purchase automobile insurance regardless of the borrower’s existing insurance.
David S. Casey, Jr., managing partner of CaseyGerry and a leading consumer protection and personal injury attorney, was appointed by United States District Judge Andrew J. Guilford to serve as liaison counsel in the case and was a member of the plaintiffs’ negotiating team.
Casey, Jr. said, “We are very pleased that Judge Guilford preliminarily approved the settlement, and we are moving closer to resolution for the class members.”
A fairness hearing will be held on October 28, 2019, at the United States District Courthouse in Santa Ana, California, where a final decision on the proposed settlement of $393.5 million will be made.

About CaseyGerrry
Headquartered at 110 Laurel St. in the Banker’s Hill neighborhood of San Diego, CaseyGerry was established in 1947 and is the oldest plaintiffs’ law firm in San Diego. The firm’s attorneys practice in numerous areas, including consumer class actions, serious personal injury, automobile, maritime, trucking, aviation, product liability and sexual abuse. For more information, visit www.caseygerry.com.

Media Contact: 
Sydnie Moore (619) 823-8448 Moore2com@gmail.com
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