When an individual suffers monetary loss or is disadvantaged due to misleading and deceptive business practices, that person may be a victim of consumer fraud.
Some of the common types of consumer fraud are identity theft, credit card fraud, and application and mortgage fraud. There are many others. Although some consumer fraud is perpetuated by illegal outfits, there are many instances of consumer fraud by big corporations.
Some of the biggest companies in the world have been found to prey upon unsuspecting consumers to make a profit. When that happens, we at CaseyGerry are prepared and highly qualified to file legal action to hold them accountable and make it right.
While one person is no match for a large corporation that has wronged them, banding together many plaintiffs in a class action produces the resources and practicing power needed to win. CaseyGerry has led several class actions against companies that have committed fraud in a variety of ways and caused consumers all over the country to lose money. The firm’s attorneys hold leadership roles to ensure that those affected are heard and justice is served.
CaseyGerry partner David S. Casey, Jr. was appointed to serve as Liaison Counsel in a centralized class action against Wells Fargo and National General, which arose out of allegations that the companies wrongfully imposed or required certain car loan applicants to purchase automobile insurance when they already had insurance. In 2019, U.S. District Judge Andrew J. Guilford granted final approval of a $393.5 million settlement in this matter.
In addition, firm partner and head of the complex litigation team Gayle M. Blatt was appointed to serve on the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee in a class action against Apple. The litigation stems from an iPhone update that intentionally degraded the performance of older phones.
Our firm continues to investigate new issues involving consumer fraud in order to prevent more people from falling victim in the future.
If you feel that you have been cheated, treated unfairly, or you purchased something that did not conform to representations made by the company, contact a San Diego Consumer Fraud Lawyer today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our class action attorneys. We’ll discuss your experience and how we may be able to help you.