Dedicated to the pursuit of justice

Frequently Asked Questions About Construction Negligence

Below are answers to common questions about construction negligence lawsuits. These answers are for informational purposes only. Sometimes, exceptions apply. Please rely on your own attorney to determine whether an exception applies to your case. Only by consulting an experienced lawyer can you be sure your rights are fully protected.

My injuries are minor. Do I need to see a physician anyway?

It’s important to seek medical attention after any incident that causes an injury. Certain injuries may not show symptoms for a few hours or even days. After that time, they could be debilitating and require more complex treatment. In addition, having a physician’s medical records can help explain your injuries, should you decide to file a construction negligence claim.

Who might be responsible for my construction site injuries?

Anyone whose careless behavior led to your injuries may be held accountable in court. Property owners, suppliers, contractors, subcontractors and equipment manufacturers are a few people involved who might have acted negligently.

An insurance company called me to settle my claim. What should I do?

Avoid speaking with any insurance company before consulting with an experienced lawyer. Insurance adjusters aim to minimize payouts, so they will look for information to reduce the amount paid to satisfy your claim. Your lawyer will speak to the insurance company to avoid any misunderstanding being used against you.

Is there a time limit to file a construction injury claim?

A person may file a personal injury lawsuit within two years from the injury. If the injury was not discovered right away, the time limit is one year from the date the injury was discovered. For minors, the clock starts ticking age 18. Claims against governmental entities are different; the injured person must file an administrative claim within six months of the incident.

How much is my case worth?

Every lawsuit is different. How much a case is worth depends on a variety of factors, such as:

  • The nature, pain, and severity of your injuries,
  • How active you were before your injuries,
  • The costs of medical treatment needed for your injuries and whether you require ongoing treatment,
  • Whether your injuries caused you to lose income,
  • Whether your injuries caused any long-term or permanent impairments, disfigurement, or disabilities,
  • Physical and/or emotional suffering you experienced because of your injuries, and
  • Your past and future medical bills, lost earnings, opportunities, etc.

These and other factors will help determine the value of your case. An experienced construction negligence lawyer can review the circumstances of your case to determine the amount you might receive in compensation. You can reach CaseyGerry at (619) 238-1811.

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